Who we are

We help hundreds of people caring for those who live with Dementia with a unique experiential Dementia training that is guaranteed to improve both the experience of the person with Dementia and the caregiver. 

By providing hands-on, immersive training, people get a glimpse into what a senior living with Dementia experiences, providing family members or health care professionals with a powerful, evidence-based experience that is sure to change their perspective on Dementia and with it, the quality of care that is given and received.

Who we are

We help hundreds of people caring for those who live with Dementia with a unique experiential Dementia training that is guaranteed to improve both the experience of the person with Dementia and the caregiver. 

By providing hands-on, immersive training, people get a glimpse into what a senior living with Dementia experiences, providing family members or health care professionals with a powerful, evidence-based experience that is sure to change their perspective on Dementia and with it, the quality of care that is given and received.

Our Experience

We are passionate about seniors’ well-being, especially those who live with Dementia. Our team has more than 50 years of combined experience in the health care sector, leading senior living residences with Dementia/memory loss services,  Alzheimer’s and loss of autonomy, as well as educating and providing training to hundreds of professionals and healthcare students.

Meet the Creator

Virtual Dementia Tour® (VDT®) Founde

P.K. Beville created the internationally-acclaimed Virtual Dementia Tour® (VDT®). Experienced by three million people in 32 countries, the Virtual Dementia Tour® is a scientifically-proven training method designed to build sensitivity and awareness in individuals caring for those with Dementia.

Beville and the VDT have been featured on ABC News “Primetime” and Fox News Network, “The Doctors.”  Beville donated the VDT® to Second Wind Dreams to continue to fund the organization’s award-winning Dreams Program. Thousands of dreams have come true, thanks largely to these proceeds. Beville is recognized as a subject expert with the following publications:  Assisted Living Today, HomeCare magazine, McKnight’s Long Term Care, The Washington Post, and USA Today.

Our Team

We have dedicated our lives to senior living services, especially those who are living with Dementia. 

Our goal is to “Demystify” Alzheimer’s by offering the experience through the Immersion of Alzheimer’s Virtual Dementia Tour® Training, whereas caregivers and family members can gain a better understanding through the VDT® by “Walking in their Shoes”. By offering caregivers and family members the training through the VDT ®they will have a better understanding of dignity,
respect and compassion.

​​Today our focus is bringing people a better understanding of what it feels like to walk in the shoes of someone who has Dementia by sharing the VDT® with caregivers and family members

Our Team

We have dedicated our lives to senior living services, especially those who are living with Dementia. 

Our goal is to “Demystify” Alzheimer’s by offering the experience through the Immersion of Alzheimer’s Virtual Dementia Tour® Training, whereas caregivers and family members can gain a better understanding through the VDT® by “Walking in their Shoes”. By offering caregivers and family members the training through the VDT ®they will have a better understanding of dignity,
respect and compassion.

​​Today our focus is bringing people a better understanding of what it feels like to walk in the shoes of someone who has Dementia by sharing the VDT® with caregivers and family members

We have hands-on experience in all aspects of services for seniors such as:

Helping the design team to create Dementia friendly living spaces to improve seniors’ quality of life in their home environment

50 plus years of experience in the Retirement Home sector serving from Independent to Memory Care homes in the role of Executive Director

Opened six Memory Care Homes & Assisted Living Communities in Ontario & Québec

College teacher management for retirement home settings experience of future leaders and staff in senior home care and services settings

Helping families living with a loved one with Dementia

Helping the design team to create Dementia friendly living spaces to improve seniors’ quality of life in their home environment

50 plus years of experience in the Retirement Home sector serving from Independent to Memory Care homes in the role of Executive Director

Opened six Memory Care Homes & Assisted Living Communities in Ontario & Québec

College teacher management for retirement home settings experience of future leaders and staff in senior home care and services settings

Helping families living with a loved one with Dementia

The immersion of Alzheimer's Virtual Dementia Tour® Training is a simulated, practical, evidence-based experience, now available in Canada in both French and English


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